Carpool bound for おじろスキー場 | Ski & Snowboard friends and carpool SIS

Ojiro Ski Resort

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Past ride shares
  • 🐶
    Female 大阪a month before
    Wed, 21 Feb 2
  • かずたろう
    Male23 神戸市4 months before
    Fri, 12 Jan
  • ライト
    Male 岡山市7 months before
    Fri, 24 Feb
  • かずたろう
    Male23 神戸市4 months before
    Fri, 27 Jan
  • そん
    Male 大阪over 1 year
    Sun, 20 Feb
  • Ryo
    Male 兵庫5 months before
    Sat, 12 Feb
  • けんた
    Male 兵庫3 months before
    Fri, 11 Feb
  • takaさん
    Male444 months before
    Sun, 06 Feb
  • ねる
    奈良3 months before
    Mon, 24 Jan
  • ヒロユキ
    Male39over 1 year
    Sun, 24 Feb
  • Register now to make new friends! ⛷🏂